5 Kitchen and Bath Trends, Straight From KBIS
I literally just recovered from jet lag after attending KBIS in Las Vegas. For those of you that aren’t familiar with it, It’s the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show that takes place annually. I was told 100,000 people attended and I believe it!! I was there on tour with a lovely group of Design influencers and bloggers as part of the Designhounds KBIS tour.
So many things that I noticed on tour about the status of trends in Kitchens and Baths, here’s my take on 5 trends:
1) COLORFUL appliances, sinks and faucets. If you’re afraid of color, don’t apply. I mean every turn I took there was a bevy of interesting hues. Mainly primary colors. How to apply….not liberally like sunscreen…I would say sprinkles here and there.
My husband would totally let me do a hot pink faucet….(insert scared emoji here)
Lemon with your lemon?
2) Smart home capabilities: Think George Jetson…the future is here baby! And on top of that, a couple of new introductions that had me giddy. One being a closet that you put your clothes, blankets, stuffed animals…dog…ok, maybe not your dog, in to refresh. You can put your dry cleaning in as well. Think of the possibilities!! Carry that over into the kitchen as well with apps and the capability to program anything, anytime….Big brother are you there?
Beep, boop, beep…the future is here!
Carnival stuffed animals delight!! NO excuse to throw those out MOM. Courtesy of LG
3) Creating Environments: Showers aren’t showers anymore, they are full scale environments, capable to give you a rainforest experience rich with chroma therapy as well as music and scents. Who needs vacation?…..ummmm..me..over here. More on this in a separate blog post about the health benefits of something like this with a very cool featured product.
I just really want to know what a ‘night’ routine is????
4) Invisible appliances: I think the weirdest, most exciting thing I spotted was an induction cooktop underneath the countertop!! Now that is magic and no matter what you say, I think it’s pretty genius! This is fairly new and found a couple vendors who were offering it….I think it needs to develop and I’m pretty sure there will be more intros next year.
5) Push release cabinetry: On everything including appliances and cabinetry. Hardware need not apply.
So there you have it, 5 trends from this year’s show. Come back around to see some in depth blog posts about products that I’m featuring, including appliances, cabinets, countertops and steam showers.
Go cook something good up today!,