One Room Challenge - Week 3: The Big Cram
Okay week 3, you kicked my butt. Work has me crazy and leaves little time for anything other than sleeping and eating! I felt like I was in school again and crammed for the exam the night before....
Hey now, that's me, cramming in my painting on a Wednesday night at 9 pm...coffee in hand! I didn't put that paint brush down until 1:00 am ish.
I wasn't alone, I had my trusty handyman aka husband helping me out. I'm so glad he agreed to this late night painting party. Some couples have date nights that involve a wonderful dinner and drinks. But we have something special...
She's fresh, fresh, exciting...My walls and trim have arrived! They are walking in the room with popped collars.
The room now has a great feeling, It's much like a loft now. We still have some touch ups, but I'm very pleased with the initial results. I need to decide on the doors, should they stay the wood color or be painted black? The lighting is in, the pillow cases are in and I have decided on the seaweed green as it goes nicely with the pillows.
This speaks to me, it says, Jennifer....you're on the right track.
About the lighting, it's beautiful, but I think i may paint the brass on the wall lamps more of a gold so it matches the hanging pendant. The floor hasn't been touched but will be a chevron pattern. I need to decide on the width of the lines and would like to put a chunky border around the room. So what's in store for next week?
1) Painting/modifying the swing arm lamps
2) Taping the floor off and painting
3) Designing a little nook for the cushions
4) Sourcing cork boards for the wall under the swing arm lamps
Follow along with me and the other participants. We are starting to show amazing progress!